provides consulting services to labour administrations in Chile,
Columbia, Mexico, and Peru. In order to optimise management systems
and by using modern statistical methods, Economix develops indicators to measure individual employability or instruments for profiling
jobseekers. In this field Economix also works out concepts to improve
international as well as interregional cooperation of employment
In a current study commissioned by the IDB, Economix explores cooperation opportunities between the Public Employment Services of Pacific Alliance countries to facilitate labor migration between these countries and render labour intermediation more efficient. The study looks also at the management of labour migration from other, mainly Latin American countries, in the context of the current refugee crises manage. The study will be completed in 2019In an ongoing study, Economix advises the Ministry of Labour of Peru. Economix develops a tool tomeasure the employability of jobseekers in different regions of Peru. This includes an analysis of employment services. The study „Diseño de instrumento de medición de empleabilidad y perfilamiento de usuarios de los servicios de los centros de empleo del ministerio de trabajo y promoción del empleo y elaboración de una propuesta de implementación del mismo“ will be completed during 2019.Economix has developed a profiling tool to segment job seekers in Chile. Economix has also carried out a pilot for testing the new tool and has given recommendations to the Chilean Ministry of Labour on its implementation.This study was commissioned by IDB.Economix has carried out case studies on governance models for Labor Intermediation Services for the Chilean Ministry of labour. This study was commissioned by IDB.Economix conducted a study on good practices on activating vulnerable groups in OECD countries and LAC countries. This study was commissioned by IDB. References
Nicola Duell, Elvira González Gago,
Tim Vetter (Economix); Jean-Louis Tauzin, Jessie Fournier, Danielle
Greco (Pôle emploi); Gloria Ortega, "Esquema para el fortalecimiento de la toma estratégica de
decisiones en el Servicio Nacional de Empleo de México; septiembre 2018", Commissioned by: Banco Inter-Americano de desarollo
Nicola Düll, Ágota Scharle, „Review of current PES practices in selected OECD countries on activating vulnerable groups“, working document submitted to IDB
Duell, N., Gonzalez Gago, E., Vetter, T., Thurau, L. (2018), “Study on Public Employment Services in the Pacific Alliance and their role in the area of regional mobility of labor”, Draft final report submitted to the Inter-American Development Bank (not published).
Inter-American Development Bank / Government of Chile (2017), “Labor Market risks and the Labor Intermediation System in Chile – Key Lessons for the Profiling of Jobseekers”, Final report December 2017. Main authors: Duell, N. (project manager) and B. Kriechel, T. Vetter. Report prepared for internal use.