Restructuring of labour markets is a focus of our research. This includes not only the dependency of economic and labour developments but understands human capital as the basis of economic and social progress. In a series of studies on sectoral, occupational, regional und skills-related restructuring we tried to identify optimal development paths.
- Personal and household services. Germany
- The German Labour Market 2030 - Expert reports and Scenarios - Trends and Qualitative Perspectives
- Promoting green jobs throughout the crisis: a handbook of best practices in Europe: Germany
- Labour market monitor for the 'Metalektro'
- Socially responsible restructuring
- Financial services: Challenges and prospects
- Skills for green jobs – Country report Germany
- Skills scenarios for the financial services sector in the European Union
- Skills scenarios for textiles, wearing apparel and leather products sector in the European Union
- Transfer-companies: A major labour market restructuring instrument
- The growth market of medical technologies – An assessment of local factors in the economic region of Munich
- Medical technologies – Benchmarking report for Germany
- Small and medium sized enterprises in Germany. Economy – Strategy – Policy
- Insolvency consultation in Bavaria
- Exploitation and development of the job potential in the cultural sector in the age of digitalisation
- Employment trends and sectors of growth in the cultural economy of the European Union
- Scottish enterprise: Food and drink study – Country report Germany
- Case Study about the social consequences of large business restructuring
- Long-term scenarios on the EU textile and clothing industries
- Medium-term employment forecasts by EU regions and sectors of industry
- Impacts of information technology on future employment
- Investment, employment and productivity - on the job effects of increased investment activities against the background of sectoral trends
- The dynamics of service production in the Federal Republic of Germany
- The impact of industrial change on the labour market
- The business situation: On the meaning of an undetermined survey variable