The ageing of the population is one of the major problems for many countries requiring new social and political strategies. Economix has been involved in the research on this topic for many years. It submitted studies on the economic impact of ageing, on activation policies, and the employers' management approaches for older workers. It also developed new statistical indicators for the duration of working live.
Recently, the OECD published 22 country reports on key policies to promote longer working lives undertaken by Economix.
- Key policies to promote longer working lives. Country notes 2007 to 2017
- Working Better with Age: Japan
- Local economic strategies for ageing labour markets: Management practices for productivity gains of older workers
- Ageing and Employment Policies: Working better witch age Switzerland 2014
- Continue to work after the age of 50; Switzerland could do better
- Employment policies to promote active ageing
- Monitoring the duration of active working life in the European Union
- Average exit age from the labour force
- Ageing and employment: Identification of good practice to increase job opportunities and maintain older workers in employment
- Population aging and German economic performance
- The impact of ageing in the size, structure and behaviour of active age population and policy implications for the labour market