Author: Nicola Duell
Publisher: European Network of Public Employment Services, European Commission
Year: 2023
Language: English
The objective of this study is to present the ‘state of play’ in the introduction of new Active Labour Market Policies (ALMPs) and their use by the Public Employment Services (PES) between 2015 and 2022. The time span is selected to analyse how PES respond to short and long-term labour market challenges. Both long-term structural changes in the labour market and short-term specific changes, such as those caused by the COVID-19 pandemic have called for an adaptation of ALMPs to cater for the needs of clients.
This study seeks to investigate to what extent ALMPs were used with documented impacts to respond in the short-term to challenges faced by some groups. The study also asks whether the new ALMPs are relevant to cope with future challenges. This study reviews research carried out by international organisations as well as national sources. The study also uses different surveys that have been addressed to PES.