Author: Kristine Langenbucher, Judd Ormsby and Nicola Duell
Publisher: OECD Publishing
Year: 2022
Language: English
The National Employment Agency (NEA), Bulgaria’s public employment service (PES), has the main responsibility for the implementation of active labour market policies in Bulgaria. This includes both placement and related services and referrals to active labour market programmes such as training and employment incentives. Supporting both jobseekers and employers, the NEA acts as a job broker, matching jobseekers with employers who are seeking to fill vacancies. The NEA has a large and diverse client base, which has been increasing especially in wake of the COVID-19 crisis. While supporting job-ready jobseekers in their quick reintegration into the labour market, more intensive services and referrals to special programmes are needed for harder-to-place jobseekers, including those from vulnerable groups. This chapter identifies a number of areas where consideration should be given to introducing additional measures or adjustments to existing ones.
Published as Chapter 6 in: OECD (2022), Reaching Out and Activating Inactive and Unemployed Persons in Bulgaria, Connecting People with Jobs