Author: Nicola Duell
Client: European Comission
Publisher: European Comission
Year: 2018
Language: English
Mini-jobs have become a key feature of the German labour market, as one fifth of dependent employed hold a mini-job. Among the 7.6 million mini-jobber, 4.9 million have mini-jobs as a main job, the remaining ones as a second job. The by far most important form of mini-jobs (geringfügige Beschäftigung) is regulated through the definition of an income ceiling for monthly net income from work (EUR 450 per month). Mini-jobs, in particular if they are main jobs, are typically carried out in sectors like retail trade, repair services, accommodation and restaurant, health, social and household services as well as administrative support. Nearly half of mini-jobbers worked in unskilled or semi-skilled activities as compared of a fifth among standard dependent employed.