Training for less demanding jobs – Identification of fields of activity with less complex requirements as basis to create new dual trainings with lower requirement level
Author: Kurt Vogler-Ludwig, Nicola Düll, Simone Leitzke, Volker Letzner
Publisher: Study on behalf of Bundesministeriums für Wirtschaft und Arbeit
Year: 2003
Language: German
In Germany, almost 15 percent of all young people of each age group don’t complete their vocational education and leave secondary school without a certificate. According to the resolution of the European Union in Lisbon, the rate of the young persons without vocational qualifications is to be halved within the next 10 years. For this reason the German Ministry of Economy contracted Economix to identify future job profiles for disadvantaged youths. The aim of this research project is to analyse
a) in how far a simplified vocational education programme and/or less demanding jobs enable disadvantaged adolescents to enter the labour market and
b) whether they can create prospects for promotion.
A significant group among the disadvantaged adolescents are foreigners. This can be traced back to the fact that they also represent a higher than average proportion of all pupils leaving school at the secondary level.